Note: Violation of these rules will result in immediate suspension of the admission, strict action will be taken for any misbehaviour, and damage will be recovered from the student.
- 1. Smoking, eating, chewing and drinking are NOT allowed in the institute building.
2. Mobile phones must be on silent/flight mode at all times in the lab.
3. Using mobile is strictly prohibited in the institute building.
4. Do not change the settings on the computer.
5. Students are not allowed to download or print.
6. The lab should be kept clean and tidy at all times, No food items are allowed in the lab.
7. Do not attempt to repair or tamper with lab equipment.
8. Do not move any equipment from its original position.
9. Do not remove or load any software into the computer.
10. Students is strictly advised to take care of their personal belonging all the time. The Institute is not responsible and liable to any lost of personal belonging in the computer labs.
11. Games are strictly prohibited on all Computer Labs resources. Students running games will be asked to close the game and leave the lab or the Student ID will be taken for reported to the Disciplinary Board.
12. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible & courteous manner while in Institute building.
13. Do not bring the bags in the lab.
14. Students is not allowed to bring any thumb drive, hard disk or diskette USB/External HDD, etc., Expenses will be recovered for any loss and damage.
15. Internet facility is strictly for educational purpose only.
16. Students are not allowed to operate the aircondition system.
17. Students are not allowed to enter the lab without faculty/Instructor.
18. Students are not allowed to open/un-screw CPU, Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, etc.
19. Report all problems related to the system to the faculty/Instructor.
20. Students are not allow to argue with the faculty/Instructor.
21. Students are not allow to misbehave with any of the staff member.
22. The Computers in the lab are to be used for academic purposes only.
23. All the students are expected to come to the Institute decently dressed and hair style.
24. The Institute upholds that bullying or harassment of any student or employee is prohibited
25. Wear mask, inform faculty if having any fever, cough, etc.